About Us

African Communities Council of Wellington (ACCW) is a registered incorporated society with charity status. We aim to harness our collective skills towards representation, empowerment and advocacy for the wellbeing of our African communities. We aspire to be a united voice of all African communities in the Wellington Region. Our goal is to promote African culture and heritage in New Zealand. ACCW is actively engaged with the African National Council of New Zealand and other regional African groups including collaboration with the Multicultural Council of New Zealand and Tangata Whenua.

Our Vision

Represent the interests of diverse African communities in Wellington

Promote harmonious relations among the diverse African communities in Wellington

Our Mission

Engage in constructive dialogue among ethnic communities and government

Advocate on behalf of the African community in Wellington on matters of social, economic, political and cultural significance and wellbeing

Provide a forum for information dissemination and exchange for Wellington’s African communities

Promote community cohesion through community arts, cultural events and mother tongue programmes

Our Values

Advocate for the African community in Wellington on matters of social, economic, political and cultural significance and wellbeing

Promote research into systemic issues facing Wellington’s African communities

Our Constitution

Click here to download the older version of the constitution

Click here to download the revised version of the constitution

Annual Reports

ACCW publishes its Annual Reports each year to all members via email. This sent out before each Annual General Meeting (AGM) and deliberated only at the AGM. If you are not on the ACCW Mailing list get in touch via info@africancommunity.org.nz.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

ACCW has an annual general meeting which is open to all members and communities and friends of Africa. The timing of the AGM is usually in October each year. An election AGM holds every two years to align with term limits of the Board and Subcommittee. Notice of the AGM is shared via email and social media platforms one month before the AGM. Documents circulated ahead of the AGM Minutes, Constitution Reviews (if any) and Financial Report. All questions are to be sent to info@africancommunity.org.nz before the AGM.

Complaint Process

It is not uncommon for communities to have dispute in opinions including unethical, dishonest or illegal behaviour, harassment (sexual or otherwise), bullying, misconduct, health and safety risks, unlawful discrimination, offensive language or grievous harm. it is important to note that ACCW Board does not investigate rumours, petty gossips, claims without evidence or take sides in community disputes. Below is the formal process for lodging any complaints relating to the ACCW members and governance.

Step 1 – Gather evidence of complaint

Step 2 – Submit complaint along with evidence to secretary@africancommunity.org.nz

Step 3 – ACCW Board deliberates on the merit of the case and makes a decision or appoints independent arbitrator, where necessary

Step 4 – Parties notified of the outcome of the complaint and implications